Dear Friends, Family and Fans!
Now that my daughter is all grown up and has moved out with her beloved into their own apartment, I just wanted to lets you all know that I have moved as well!!! It was high time to down size my space and expenses. I got rid of soooo much stuff. This has been a gigantic purging ordeal for me. Packing up and moving my belongings was only a small fraction of the overall moving picture for me. The biggest part was that I really had to battle with the excess of stuff I had accumulated over the years. (I call this process "unpacking my rat"). After some internal struggles with the practice of non attachment, an exhausting amount of work sorting, selling several items, donating several more, and paying a huge bill to the hard working guys from 1 800 Got Junk for hauling away a little over 2 truck loads of "stuff"... as of the first of October, I have emerged victorious! My new location, for home and work, is in the University Heights / Hillcrest area of San Diego. I am "ALMOST" settled in... Still working on unpacking and trying to find places for all the things I kept, but I plan to have an apartment warming party for all my friends very soon. If you want to visit me, or schedule an appointment with me, please feel free to contact me. I am already seeing clients at my new location.
With Love and Light, Jeanetta